I am Raghubir and I am an artist, writer, and educator. I teach Kundalini Yoga and meditation and I teach art. As a yogi, I practice the tools and technology of Kundalini Yoga for sharpening my awareness, deepening my compassion, fortifying my inner strength, and increasing patience that is helpful in navigating this world we live in. As an artist, the practice of Kundalini Yoga has helped me to manage my energy and to help me maintain a strong connection with the creative flow. As a yoga teacher and trainer, I instruct and inspire others to do the same.

The human condition benefits if we can raise the consciousness of others through kindness and sensitivity. If we can assist in the growth and development of one person, they can in turn contribute to the cumulative health and wellness of their community. My interest as an artist is to open conversations about how spiritual practice and creative practice are one and the same. Another part of these conversations is how artists have a responsibility to share their gifts and skills with the world in any way they can. This in turn transforms our family, environment, the planet and all its beings. By teaching the Eleven Yogic Arts of Creative Living, I help artists sustain and manage their creativity and I help yogis to tap into their creative power. These teachings are very powerful and useful and have transformed so many peoples' lives including my own.


The Eleven Yogic Arts of Creative Living is one of two books I published in 2020; the result of many passionate years of research, practice and presenting the material in workshops and classes. Exploring the discipline and practice of both yoga and the creative arts, my many years of experience have allowed me to distill these practices and information into one comprehensive easy-to-read handbook for living an extraordinary and creative life. Shortly thereafter, I published the Work Book for the Eleven Yogic Arts of Creative Living which, in addition to standing quite well on its own, is a great way to experience Kundalini Yoga through a creative lens.

Both books are filled with anecdotes, quotes and practical tools and exercises. These are yoga manuals for people of any age who want to improve their creative health, learn how to handle challenges, get tips on overcoming artistic blocks, and gaining a better understanding of how creativity "works". It is definitely not just another yoga manual; The Eleven Yogic Arts of Creative Living (and the Workbook) unpack how the yogis' Universal Law of Creativity - to conceive, flourish and deliver - informs everything we do.

You can find the link to purchase these books here.

Live Creatively


“The word conceive basically means “to form” but its French and Latin roots imply to “take in”. To conceive therefore suggests that an idea or creative inspiration comes from elsewhere and this is a very important point...You must have fertile ground in which to implant the idea AND you must be in a receptive state to receive it. Once you receive it, you need the nervous system strength to hold it. All of this requires open energy channels, strong nerves, the sensitivity to create and the ability to commit. ”


“After all the preliminary work of establishing good reception and connection to creative consciousness and then readying ourselves to receive and conceive, we are now at the point in creativity which is the most fun and satisfying: the making of something out of nothing. It’s fun to get your hands dirty. It’s fun to be thinking of your project while you are doing other things. Being engaged and interested is an active state that oozes out of your pores into the world around you. When you are inspired, excited and energized, you essentially have gotten out of your own way and then….nothing is impossible.”


“The Law of Creativity is that you must Conceive, Flourish, and Deliver. If you do not deliver, then you destroy. And most of the time it is YOU that you destroy. Anyone who has ever worked long and hard on a project that never came to fruition knows how it can eat you up inside. If you don’t finish your project or you are too scared or unsure about unleashing it into the world, that could really destroy you ...if you let it. Procrastination and perfectionism are two very common excuses for not delivering and everyone needs to know that they are easy to overcome."

All quotes are by Raghubir Kintisch from The Work Book for Eleven Yogic Arts of Creative Living and copywrited by the author.


I am currently available for private lessons, practice, and consultation. I can work with you in person or on zoom.

Naturally, I specialize in creativity, but can work with all types of issues and all types of bodies.

Please email me regarding availability and cost.